infrastructure development to support its music sector
Thu, 02/04/2021
Designated as a UNESCO Creative City of Music in 2019, Sanandaj (Iran) has continued to developed a wide range of policies and initiatives to support and enhance its music and cultural industries. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the city through a participatory and inclusive approach has leveraged its rich cultural potential to strengthen social ties amongst its inhabitants to bring them comfort and support.
Most recently, the city inaugurated the new design of one its main streets, known as the “Ferdowsi sidewalk”. In line with the local government’s urban development strategies, this major project is aimed at expanding and improving urban services for local inhabitants while creating a dedicated space for cultural and artistic events. The Ferdowsi sidewalk is foreseen to host various artistic street performances and provide a platform to broaden visibility and appreciation for local bands and musicians. This redevelopment also aims to encourage inhabitants to actively participate in the creative programmes of the city, as well as to foster social interactions and cohesion in public spaces through culture and creativity.
As a part of the city’s celebration of being designated as a UNESCO Creative City of Music, the city installed a plate on the Municipality building. A ceremony in the presence of government officials, the Mayor of Sanandaj and cultural practitioners, was organized to reiterate its commitment to the achievement of the UCCN’s mission and objectives, and the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable development.