The planning for the Awyar festival has been arranged since April 2021 by the participation of representatives from different organizations such as Sanandaj Music Association and Institute of Knowledge Development, University of Kurdistan, Islamic Culture and Guidance of Kurdistan. The cultural organization of Sanandaj Municipality, and Sanandaj Creative City secretariate handled the meetings. The local master music and famous musicians participated in the meetings as advisors and backup the technical part of the festival. The Awyar International Music Festival call was published in four languages, Persian, Kurdish, English, and Russian. As a result, the festival was welcomed by soloists from different countries. . Various specialized committees were formed to hold the Awyar festival, The secretary of the festival was Dr. Asad Ardalan and the scientific secretary was Bahman Haji Amini.
The closing ceremony of this international festival will be held on Friday, the 9th of October at Bahman Cinema in Sanandaj with the presence of invited guests. Invitations will be sent via e-mail, WhatsApp and Telegram due to compliance with health and environmental protection protocols.